Multiple Choice Items :
Multiple choice items take many forms , but their basic structure is as follows :
1) a stem :
Jack has been here …….. half an hour .
2) a number of options – one of which is correct , the others being distractors:
a) during b) for c) while d) since
It is the candidate's task to identify the correct or most appropriate option(in this case B) .
Perhaps the most obvious advantage of multiple choice is that scoring can be perfectly reliable .Scoring should also be rapid and economical. A further considerable advantage is that , since in order to respond the candidate has only to make a mark on the paper , it is possible to include more items than would otherwise be possible in a given period of time . Finally , it allows the testing of receptive skills without requiring the test taker to produce written or spoken language.
The difficulties with multiple choice are as follows :
1- The technique tests only recognition knowledge ;
2- Guessing may have a considerable but unknowable effect on test scores ;
3- The technique severely restricts what can be tested ;
4- It is very difficult to write successful items ;
5- Backwash may be harmful ;
6- Cheating may be facilitated .
Yes/No and True/False Items :
Items in which test taker has merely to choose between YES and NO , or between TRUE and FALSE , are effectively multiple choice items with only two options . The obvious weakness of such items is that the test taker has the 50% chance of choosing the correct response by chance alone . True / False items are sometimes modified by requiring test takers to give a reason for their choice . However , this extra requirement is problematic , first because it is adding what is a potentially difficult writing task when writing is not meant to be tested ( validity problem ) , and secondly because the responses are often difficult to score ( reliability and validity problem ) .
Short – Answer Items :
Items in which the test taker has to provide a short answer are common , particularly in LISTENING and READING tests.
- What is the man's name in this passage ?
- How old is the child ?
Advantages over multiple choice are that ;
1- Guessing will( or should ) contribute less to test scores ;
2- The technique is not restricted by the need for distractors ;
3- Cheating is likely to be more difficult ;
4- Though great care must still be taken , items should be easier to write .
Disadvantages are :
1- Responses may take longer and so reduce the possible number of items;
2- The test taker has to produce language in order to respond ;
3- Scoring may be invalid or unreliable , if judgment is required ;
4- Scoring may take longer .
Gap Filling Items :
Items in which test takers have to fill a gap with a word are also common .
Hannibal liked to eat brains because of their …………. and their ………… .
Assuming that missing words ( here texture and color ) can be found in the text , it can be seen that the problem of the third short answer item has been overcome .Gap filling items for reading or listening work best if the missing words are to be found in the text or are straightforward , high frequency words which should not present spelling problems .
Gap filling items can also work well in tests of grammar and vocabulary .
When the gap filling technique is used , it is essential that test takers are told very clearly and firmly that only one word can be put in each gap .
Gap filling is a valuable technique . It has the advantages of the short answer technique , but the greater control it exercises over the test takers means that it does not call for significant productive skills .
((From book Testing for Language Teachers by: Arthur Hughes ))
نظرات شما عزیزان:
:: برچسبها: test, Multiple Choice Items, Yes/No and True/False Items, Short – Answer Items, Gap Filling Items,